Are you worried about water leaks in your property? Do you want to make some cursory checks before you contact a plumber or a leak detection service? Here are five places you should check. Leaks are tricky things to look for as they are often quite small and difficult to spot. But knowing what to look for and, perhaps more importantly, where to look for them can help to ease the stress and frustration in this situation.

Our team at Specialist Leak Detection have been looking for and identifying water leaks for more than 15 years. This experience has allowed us to offer you a reliable service and it has shown us the most likely locations for leaks on any property. If your water bill is unexpectedly high or if you’ve noticed damp and mould unexpectedly growing in your home, start by checking these five places before giving our team a call. 

Your Kitchen or Bathroom Taps

Taps are actually an incredibly common location for many leaks because there are a number of valves and moving parts in them which could break down at any time. Even a slow dripping tap can cost you thousands of pounds a year, so it is important that you check your taps both in the kitchen and the bathroom regularly. It’s important that you solve this as quickly as possible because not only will it increase the cost of your water bill but it could also damage your kitchen or bathroom. Prolonged water exposure can be a real issue in any location, so it’s important to keep an eye out for these sorts of water leaks.

The Shower Hose

Your shower hose is something that you potentially use every day and that can lead to corrosion fairly quickly. Even the best shower hoses are not immune to the impact of water exposure, which is often why interior designers will organise for the shower hose to be built into the wall. However, this is not a possibility for many people, so instead it’s important to look out for corrosion and signs of damage every few months. Corrosion is often the first sign of a leaking shower unit. 

Your Toilet Valve

You would be surprised at just how many toilet valves leak. The constant exposure to water in your toilet often means that the valves can break down and lead to leaks. If you don’t keep an eye on this problem it will only escalate. Experts would suggest that between 20% and 30% of toilets in the country are leaking, which could cause serious damage to your floor and can have serious health consequences. If you’re concerned about leaks in your home, then this is one of the first places you should check. 

Your Hot Water Tank

Hot water tanks can be a hot bed for leaks and cracks in your system, so it’s important that you regularly have it checked. Unlike the previous locations however, we would recommend contacting a plumber or a leak detection specialist to inspect your hot water tank as doing so yourself could cause further issues. We would also recommend ensuring that your hot water tank is regularly maintained, which can highlight any issues that might be appearing. 

Your Supply Pipe

If you’ve checked these other locations and you still haven’t found a leak or an explanation for your high water bills and the water damage on your property, then it’s likely you have an issue with your supply pipes. Aided by a selection of high quality and reliable leak detection techniques, we can provide you with a solution you need. All of our techniques are non-destructive and designed to find problems with your water pipes quickly and efficiently. 

We are completely confident in our service and we know that we can help you find and repair those pesky leaks. So, please do give us a call today on 0808 503 9923 and take your first steps towards water leak repair.