Whether you are someone that has a swimming pool at their domestic residence, or rely on it heavily for business-related purposes, the chances are that you will want to do everything in your power to keep it open for as long as possible. Unfortunately, despite the improved installation techniques that have been developed, there is still room for faults to creep-in over time. With years of experience under our belts, here at Specialist Leak Detection we are well-versed in identifying swimming pool related problems. Therefore, it is in your best interests to read through the guide that we have put-together down below.

Routine Refills

Although this would seem like a rather obvious indication that your pool has suffered a severe leak, you would no-doubt be surprised at the number of pool owners that do not take the hint when they are having to refill their pool on a consistent basis. This is particularly true if there have not been many people taking a dip during that time. If you are having to complete routine top-ups, you might want to investigate the possibility of a leak.

Evidence Of Cracks

If ever there was a tell-tale sign that a leak has sprung-up in or around your swimming pool, it is the development of cracks. These could be, for instance, in the lining of the walls; there is also a chance that these cracks could be found on the floor. When you initially constructed your pool, you were likely advised to complete regular sweeps in order to unearth structural damage – we would suggest that you heed these words of wisdom.

Sagging Deck

When homeowners look to invest in swimming pools, it is usually because they want to visually-upgrade their garden. It is for this reason that you will also find that there is top-tier timber decking surrounding the pool; unfortunately, this can deteriorate in quality incredibly quickly if, for whatever reason, there is a leak present. Should the wood become sodden and subsequently begin to sag, we recommend that you enlist the help of a firm renowned for their excellent services relating to leak detection. In the long-run, this could save you considerably from a financial standpoint.

Broken Pipes

The amount of plumbing that is utilised in the set-up for a high-end swimming pool is, in a word, extensive. We want to draw your attention to this because this is, in theory, a recipe for disaster. Firstly, these pipes could develop air bubbles, which in-turn can mean that the filtration system won’t work as it should do. Conversely, it is possible for the drainage pipes to leak, which will mean that a foul smell will be in the air. To make sure that you are suffering from these, the best course-of-action would be to bring professionals on-board.

In need of some assistance?

Although it is important that you pay-attention to the signs that we have mentioned above, these are not always guaranteed to mean that your swimming pool has succumbed to a leak. In order for you to have peace of mind, it could be worthwhile to hire a company that is proficient in carrying out leak detection services that are first-class in terms of quality. The fact that we have state-of-the-art leak detection equipment in our possession means that it is no-wonder that, here at Specialist Leak Detection, we are constantly being sought-out. Anyone that feels that we are the right firm for the job can reach out to us at 0800 414 8511; whether it is in regards to water leak detection in Baldock or London, we will gladly lend a helping hand.