Self-checks, there’s checks you can conduct on your end to ascertain if you have a mains water leak on your water supply. Follow these steps to narrowing down the leak at your property

Lift up the lid/cover at your external stop cock to see if there’s any water accumulation at the meter. If not moving the dial on the stop cock to see if its turning with no usage of water inside the property, if this is turning you need to find you internal stop cock in the inside of your property to have this turned off so you can narrow down the leak to see if this is pass your internal stop cock or from your external stop cock to your internal stop cock. We normally are spotted from an engineer arriving to site. Another way of telling if it’s your mains water leaking into your property is to check if its clean or foul water this indicated if the water leaking is from a drain (foul) or alternatively from a mains water supply (clean)