As the seasons change and the weather gets colder, you’ll start to increasingly rely on your heating and your radiators to keep yourself warm and safe during the winter. So, it’s important for you to make sure that your radiators are running smoothly. Are you worried that something is wrong with your radiators? Prhaps our team at Specialist Leak Detection can help you. Below, we have laid out a number of reasons why your radiators might not be functioning as they should be. Our contact methods are at the end of this post, should you want to consult with our team or if you have any further questions. 

  • There are Air Pockets in the Radiator

Radiators can experience many different problems, one of which are pockets of air being trapped in the radiator. The main symptoms of this is a radiator that is cold at the top and warm at the bottom or vice versa. This is because air is taking up the space that is specifically designed for hot water to flow through, making circulation difficult. 

But don’t worry because it is easy enough to fix on your own. The solution to air pockets in the radiator is to bleed the radiator by unscrewing the bleed screw using a radiator key until you hear the air hissing out. Keep letting the air out until water appears, then tighten it again. This should solve the problem, allowing your radiator to heat up fully. 

  • The Thermostat is Broken

Another issue that might occur is a problem with the thermostat. The thermostat controls the temperature of your radiator, allowing you to control the warmth in your room. Unfortunately, the thermostat can seize when in a closed state, making it difficult for the radiator to turn on. 

You can quickly check whether this is the problem by taking off the top cover from the valve, there is a knurled nut that is usually used to secure the valve and should be able to undo this with your hands. Once you’ve removed this, you’ll be able to check the centre pin. 

This should be able to move up and down by a few millimetres, so if you can’t, then you’ll want to get in touch with a plumber, who will be able to properly provide you with the professional care that you need. 

  • You Have Sludge, Debris or Blockages in your Pipes

If you’ve bled the radiator and the radiator still isn’t working, then you’ll perhaps want to check the radiator for sludge, debris and blockages, which can accumulate in the pipes. This, much like the air, stops the water circulating through the radiator. The best way for you to deal with this problem is to remove the sludge by power flushing the service. This will help to remove the gunk in your system and restore the radiator to its full capacity. 

  • You Currently Have a Leak

The issue with leaks in your radiator system is that they can occur anywhere and they can be difficult to spot on your own. Not only this, but the problem might not be inside the radiator itself, meaning that the issue will persist even after you’ve replaced it. Leaks can also cause bigger problems than a cold room, they can lead to corrosion in your system, which could be incredibly expensive to fix.

If you’ve tried the other solutions that we’ve listed in this post and nothing has helped, then it’s likely that you have a leak in your radiators. We’ll be able to help you with this by checking your radiator system through our many tried and tested leak detection techniques. We’ll be able to help you find the location of the leak, allowing it to be fixed quickly and effectively. 

To find out more about our service, then feel free to get in touch with our team today, we would be happy to help find a solution; promptly and effectively.