Picture the scene: winter is fast-approaching, and you are becoming increasingly reliant on your central heating system. Your boiler has a large part to play in the coming months, hence why you will naturally want to do everything in your power to keep it in first-class condition. Unfortunately, despite the upgrades that have taken place in relation to these units’ performance, they are still far from perfect. They are prone to leaks, and as a homeowner you need to try and familiarise yourself with what causes these. As a first-class provider of leak detection services in Brighton, Specialist Leak Detection is here to tell you about some of the main things to be on the lookout for.

Pressure Relief Valve

Arguably the most-important element of your boiler is the pressure relief valve; due to the immense pressure that usually builds-up whilst your central heating system is in-use, it is perhaps natural for this to be the usual cause of boiler leaks. When you first get your boiler services, the professionals will tell you to remain vigilant in regards to checking your pressure relief gauge – this is advice that we strongly recommend you listen to.

Faulty Pipes

If you have purchased a period property, the likelihood is that you have already come to terms with the fact that not everything will be perfect. These types of homes are understandably going to show their age in certain areas – an example of this is the boiler. If this hasn’t been replaced for some time, it is entirely possible that rust and corrosion has started to seep into the network of pipes connected to the boiler. Whilst this could potentially be resolved via an insurance claim, you will first want to accurately locate the source of the problem.

TCV Problems

In case you didn’t know, the TCV, or temperature control valve, is a small piece of equipment that is used to keep-track of the temperature residing within your boiler. If you have meddled with the controls to the point that the water is getting too-hot, you might find that water leaks begin to stem from this part of your boiler. Should this occur, you can try and find and fix the problem without too-much trouble.

Low-Quality Installation

When you purchase a brand-new boiler, it is imperative that you spend money on a proficient installation service; cutting corners here is a sure-fire way in which to cause yourself to experience stress and anxiety in a few months time. If the pipes that connect your boiler to the rest of your home aren’t fitted correctly, it is only a matter of time before you are overcome by leaks, the damage of which could be incredibly costly to fix.

Who Are Specialist Leak Detection?

If you weren’t already aware, services relating to leak detection in Brighton do not solely check for central heating problems. Although your boiler is an integral part of your home, this is far from being the only piece of equipment that could prove to be troublesome.

For those of you that want to touch-base with your insurance company, but first think that it would be a good idea to trace and assess the damage to your property, you might like to speak to a member of the Specialist Leak Detection team on 0800 414 8511. As our name suggests, we consider ourselves to be leak detection specialists.

With the combination of cost-effective prices and state-of-the-art leak detection equipment means that we are typically first point-of-call for those in-need of these types of services. The fact that we ensure that we cause minimal disruption is something of a relief to our clients.