Since first being developed, it is safe to say that impact moling has been lauded as an innovative method that has no equal. Although still relatively new, the processes which are involved offer benefits to both domestic and commercial projects, hence why it’s popularity has continued to increase in the past few years. Here at Specialist Leak Detection, we are far from being your ordinary leak detection company. This is evidenced by the fact that we are an excellent provider of moling services; to learn more about what this entails, we suggest that you continue your reading down below.

What is Impact Moling?

Should you have never-before come into contact with impact moling, it is natural that you wish to educate yourself on what this is. To put it simply, this is a method that has been created to try and improve the way that pipes are laid into the ground. In days gone by, this could be a troublesome process, and one that caused major disruption to the local area. It was identified that this was an area that needed working on, hence why bespoke equipment was developed for the job.

What are the Benefits?

Whilst it is evident that impact moling is now considered to be the way of the future, it is important that you are acquainted with the various benefits that this method has to offer. First-and-foremost, you should appreciate that impact moling negates the need for a trench to be dug. This, in turn, helps to reduce the amount of groundwork that needs conducting, which used to be the cause of community unrest.

The speed at which this type of project can be completed is also something that you should keep in-mind moving forward. Regardless of if the pipes are straight or curved, impact moling can be used to great-effect to reduce the amount of time that is wasted. When you put all of these benefits together, it is no-wonder that impact moling is a service in high-demand; and it can be labelled as a cost-effective investment.

Why Choose to Work with Us?

Now that you are well-versed with everything that can be achieved through impact moling, it is possible that you are now searching for a firm that can offer this service in Brixton. Despite the niche nature of impact moling, you will quickly discover a number of companies vying for your attention.

However, from a quality perspective, few come close to the likes of Specialist Leak Detection. If you were to spend some time browsing through our positive Trustpilot page, you would be able to see from the not-inconsiderable number of testimonials that we are respected by our past clients. Hire us, and you won’t need to think about the prospect of damage to your property.

Get Started Today

When you are in-need of leak detection in Brixton, the only name that should spring to mind is that of Specialist Leak Detection. Our services are first-class, and this is a standard that we have no-intention of letting slip. Whether you have discovered water damage and want to ascertain where the water leak is, or you think that you could do with a better mains water supply network, our team will not let you down.

Are you desperate to make an insurance claim so that you can fix your central heating system? Need a non-invasive leak detection service but have yet to find somebody that can cater to your needs? By sending our team a message at, you can take the first step of your journey.